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CBD Helps Heal Broken Bones By David Anthony Schroeder
CBD Helps Heal Broken Bones

Does Cannabis Help to Heal Bone Fractures?

by David Anthony Schroeder

Bone is a dense tissue having unique properties, such as high strength and the ability to regenerate when performing multiple functions.  For both physiological (bone turnover) and pathological (e.g., fractures) cases, bone regeneration occurs by osteoblast and osteoclast. 

Over the past decade, the impact of cannabinoids cannabidiol (CBD) on bone healing and growth has been studied by scientists. Scientists are finding that CBD will speed up and enhance the healing process of broken bones.

In most countries, the medicinal use of cannabis in the 1930s and 1940s was banned because of the so-called risks of dependency. Cannabis has only been recently investigated for significant medical effects to relieve symptoms of illnesses such as Parkinson's, cancer, and multiple sclerosis.

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Cannabis Oil with THC used to fight pain.
Cannabis Oil with THC used to fight pain.

The Effects of Cannabis Oil on Fibromyalgia

by David Anthony Schroeder

Chronic pain is more than just a buzzword in today’s culture--it’s a serious problem for millions of people across America and the world. 

It’s a problem that has led to overdependence on pharmaceutical drugs with negative side effects, a decreased quality of life for those suffering, and a feeling of hopelessness for many of never being able to find relief from this daily torment.

One of the most common chronic pain conditions that people suffer from is fibromyalgia, a condition that not only causes widespread pain throughout the body, but also sleep problems, fatigue, and many times mental or emotional distress. Roughly 10 million people across the US suffer from fibromyalgia.

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